its mook mane....
this the last day and its been a blast,but its said too say goodbye too my
i had a great time with these people but we gotta apart from them till next summer.the program was a blast, it was strange at first but i got use too it. the whole idea of the program was too get people too use thier bikes or ride thier was hard at first because we didnt know anything too know about was a strugle but we did it and it was success.
peace,till the next time yall see!
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An Introduction To TNGoB
Hi guys, Paris again.

Today I'm here putting up the brainchild of the Bike Temple group: Our Podcast! Its simply an overview of the groups goal and what we had done so far. It's a tad bit late, but rather late than never, right? Enjoy!
My Experience With The Program
My summer as an intern with the Bits program has been a very exiting and eye opening experience. With my group, Bike Temple, I have learned a great deal about not only bikes, but the cyclist community as a whole. I've learned about the pro's and cons of riding a bike versus driving a car. I've learned the names or nearly all of the parts of a bike. I've also learned that there are tons of ways to customize a bike. At the beginning of the program, when we were counting bike racks, I felt as though it was going to be a long summer, but the six weeks have come and gone, and now I look back wondering " Where did the time go?". It was great getting paid for all the work we've done (for back to school supplies) but to be honest I would gladly have done it just for the experiences and to meet the people I've met. It's been a wild ride, but this looks like this is the end. Ride on, Temple. Ride on.
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Whats up its Dave again. This program has been pretty good so far. I had fun all throughout the program. I became friends with alot of new people who are real cool. When the program first strated I did not like it to much, but after a while it started to become fun. Each day we all had our ups and downs but overall it was fun. When we first started it was only three of us in the group then throughout the program the group started to grow now all together there are six of us.
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Ay yo whats up this FATIMA again...

Well I'm back this time with information about the BITS program. Well In the begining when i first started it was alright I didn't really like it because we had to talk about bikes through the whole program and i just thought i knew it was going to be corney but as the days went by it got better and better. like when we had to make our blog i liked it we all made the program FUN as we were all working. Also when we went to the Tech Center and we had to record that was the most FUN that we did even though we talked about bikes we still had fun recording in the lil studio jawn because we heard our selves and how we sound. had to count bike racks that wasn't so fun but after awhile it got better.And as for our mentor Anish he was cool, But through it all i really did like the program.
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Hi its Devon, Wellll today will be my last post for the bike temple program and its just about the experience I had here at bike temple, the poeple I met and what my overall thoughts are. Well i want to start with that this program was a six week program that started in july and the program was really interesting I would say. Welll after reading all of our post you should alread know that this group was all about bike and anything to do with bikes. I found that it was interesting because i didnt know that bike had a or could a positive in pack on the earth and the way we live our lifes .... I found that u could save almost three times has much riding a bike than u would driving a car.
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  • .:Mentor:.

    Anish Mukhoti

    Anish Mukhoti

    Fatima Givens

    Fatima Givens

    David Taylor

    David Taylor

    Devon Furtune

    Devon Furtune

    Derika Savage

    Derika Savage

    Lance Guyton

    Lance Guyton

    Paris Capers

    Paris Capers
  • .:What We Are Doing:.

    We are members of a group known as Bike Temple, trying to create awareness about the ups and downs of bike ridership.
    We care about the planet and we are trying to get more people to use bikes as transportation. There's tons of reasons to do it, from saving money to just getting in shape. Why not join the revolution? We are the I in team and we want you to join us. Help us spread the word!

    We are Bike Temple. This is the Next Generation of Bikes. Welcome to our blog.

    .:Temple Bike Rack Map:.

    View TNGoB Bike Rack Map in a larger map

    .:Bike Shops In Philadelphia:.